Tampere region invests in joint development | Alihankinta
Subcontracting Trade Fair

Tampere region invests in joint development

Column  06.09.2021

Refining business has become even more challenging. Companies are expected to both understand the customers’ needs thoroughly as well as apply a strong development strategy. Utilisation of data is often at the centre of development work. This, however, demands competence that may not always be available in the company itself.

In the Tampere region, companies have aimed to solve this challenge by investing in cooperation. Several tools have been created for joint development, which provide new and interesting business opportunities for large corporations, SMEs, start-ups and growth-oriented companies alike.

One of the tools is the ABC training of joint development, which reviews the opportunities available through different case companies. Rapid Tampere programme continues its operations with a global approach, and Demobooster Tampere provides a quick channel for joint development. A model better suited to small- and medium-sized companies is being piloted. We will share more information about this during the Subcontracting Trade Fair 2021.

Many internationally known mobile machinery manufacturers are based in Finland, and we can offer unique mechanical engineering competence for many different purposes, from fields to forests and from ports to mines. The mechanical engineering field makes up a significant part of Finnish export.

To ensure the competitiveness of this field also in the future, we need research, innovations and professionals targeted at the needs of mechanical engineering. This is why a core group of manufacturers and researchers have come together and founded the Mobile Machinery Cluster as their cooperation platform. Cooperation is an effective way of achieving results quickly enough and in large enough scale.

The Mobile Machinery cluster carries out the development work in a variety of ways. One example is the SIX Valmistusklubit manufacturer clubs, where visitors from different companies share the stories of the companies’ development paths and talk about the measures implemented. On Friday 17 September, the week before the Subcontracting Trade Fair 2021, you will have the chance to learn about one such growth story, when the SIX Valmistusklubi will visit Puristeteos in Kangasala. In just four years, this SME has strongly invested in their digitalisation and, as a result, they have improved their operational effectiveness by 15% annually.

Business Tampere helps companies to settle in the region and promotes their growth and internalisation. The region’s versatile industry and strong RDI operators are factors that are also considered internationally attractive.

Data is a great starting point for building a business. However, competent people and great meetings are needed to utilise the data. Welcome to meet us and each other in Tampere!

Author: Jouni Myllymäki, Account Manager, Industry, Business Tampere