Subcontracting Trade Fair
Kari Sorjonen ja Juha Aimo ovat vuosien varrella nähneet, kuinka alihankintasektori on kehittynyt ja kasvattanut arvostustaan. Lukemattomien messujen konkarit jaksavat edelleen innostua kohtaamisista ja messujen yhteisöllisestä tunnelmasta.

Tasowheel | Ahead of the game for over 40 years – Tasowheel believes in a bright industrial future

Hall of Fame  05.09.2023

Founded in 1979, Tasowheel is known for demanding precision mechanic and power transmission solutions and components for different industries. Our operations are built on continuous development, customer-oriented solutions and advanced lifecycle thinking.

Even though Tasowheel has grown into an international technology group over the years, the traditional Finnish family business still holds on to their core values and produces their high-quality precision mechanic and power transmission solutions at their factories in Tampere and Tikkakoski.

– Tasowheel’s four mainstays are high quality, satisfied customers, sustainability, and our talented people without whom we’d be nothing, says Kari Sorjonen, Tasowheel’s Member of the Board with focus on corporate governance.

Component shortage and rising costs have become frequent headaches within the manufacturing industry in recent years. Tasowheel believes that investments in the future will carry through the hard times. The company’s breakthroughs in production automation have introduced a new kind of efficiency and flexibility for Tasowheel’s production.

Kari Sorjonen ja Juha Aimo ovat vuosien varrella nähneet, kuinka alihankintasektori on kehittynyt ja kasvattanut arvostustaan. Lukemattomien messujen konkarit jaksavat edelleen innostua kohtaamisista ja messujen yhteisöllisestä tunnelmasta.
Over the years, Kari Sorjonen and Juha Aimo have witnessed how the subcontracting sector has evolved and gained appreciation. The seasoned veterans continue to be enthusiastic about the fairs’ encounters and communal atmosphere.

The recently finished factory expansion in Tikkakoski, the Scienta and Fastpap company acquisitions, multi-million investments in new machinery and an improved emphasis on continuous learning are some of the examples in the company’s unfaltering belief in the future.

Raising the profile of the subcontracting sector

Celebrating its 35th anniversary, the annual Finnish Subcontracting Fair is Europe’s second-largest subcontracting event. Tasowheel has been participating in the fair every year since the beginning. The subcontracting sector’s development and appreciation were still in their infancy in the mid-1980s.

– FinTech’s fairs were the only major industrial event in Finland, and they focused mainly on the Helsinki region. The idea of an event of our own started brewing in Tampere, with the goals being both national and international from the very beginning. My father Taisto, who founded Tasowheel, was involved in organizing the Subcontracting Fair, says Kari Sorjonen.

The mission of the fair was to raise the profile of subcontracting companies plus provide opportunities for networking and centralized marketing. Inspiration was gained by attending various trade fairs across Europe.

– It’s important to understand that at that time, nobody had even heard of the internet. Customer contacts were established face-to-face, and traveling was vital for companies. Trade fairs provided a comprehensive view of the entire industry and our competitors, which allowed us to grasp our position in the market. They were also extremely important events for buyers who came to the fairs with drawings to make deals. If someone comes to a booth with drawings nowadays, it’s a small miracle, says Juha Aimo, Development Manager at Tasowheel.

Developing the entire industry together

Over the years, the nature of the Subcontracting Fair has evolved along with the industry. Nowadays, the fair is primarily a social event where customers, suppliers, partners, and financiers come together. Additionally, as more and more students are attending, the fair is increasingly important in creating an employer image.

– Compared to the atmosphere of the 1980s, the difference now is that you can have quite relaxed conversations even with competitors, Kari Sorjonen says with a laugh.

Before the breakthrough of the internet, customer contacts were established face-to-face at trade fairs and events. In the picture, Juha Aimo (left), Antti Kalliola, and Kari Sorjonen are promoting Finnish expertise in Europe in the late 1980s.

Tasowheel has a long and illustrated history in the field of precision mechanics and power transmission innovations. Staying at the forefront of development requires constant updating of our expertise, an integral part of Tasowheel’s operations for over 40 years.

– Machines and implementations are becoming more complex every year. For example, there are now entirely new requirements for information management. Our expertise in precision mechanics and motion solutions can’t be found in many other companies. Trade fairs are one of the best forums for developing the entire industry together. When seasoned professionals and future talents come together, thinking inevitably moves forward, Kari Sorjonen explains.

– For a long time, you didn’t meet companies’ design departments at the fairs. Now, it seems that this is once again changing, and many companies have realized that suppliers’ specialized expertise can be found at the fairs. So designers are going back to the fairs to acquire knowledge that is lacking in their own shops. In a way, we are returning to the atmosphere of the early days, and the circle is closing, Juha Aimo concludes.


Tasowheel is a family-owned Finnish company with over 40 years of experience in providing premium customer-specific solutions. Tasowheel designs and produces components and services for different power transmission, controlled motion, machining, paper industry, assembly, and R&D needs. Learn more about Tasowheel.