Subcontracting Trade Fair

Technical Instructions


The schedule for construction and dismantling »

Service time of the stands during trade fairs

The service time for stands begins at 7 am on the first day of the fair and ends when the exhibition opens. On the second and third day of the trade fair the service time starts at 8 am. Service time of stands will continue for one hour after the trade fair has closed. Exhibitors are required to leave the exhibition hall no later than one hour after the fair has closed.

In addition to the General Terms of Participation, we would like to point out the following:

The exhibitor must inform his planning, construction, decorating and dismantling crews of all the regulations, schedules and other instructions and information concerning stand construction.

Construction of the stands may begin only after the payment of the stand rent is completed. In case an exhibitor does not take the stand in use by noon at the latest on the day prior to the opening day, the exhibitor is liable to inform the organizer about this in writing, e.g. by fax or email. If the constructor deviates from the allotted time for construction and dismantling, an extra charge of 50 €/hour (+ VAT) per stand will be levied.

Shipping and transport

For transport and delivery of goods to the fair, the address is:
Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre, Ilmailunkatu 20, FIN-33900 TAMPERE.

Shipments must be marked with the name of the exhibition, the name of the company, stand number, and the name and phone number of a contact person from your company in case of delivery problems. Exhibitors transport their goods and construction materials to the exhibition area at their own cost.

PLEASE NOTE! Tampere Trade Fairs Ltd and Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre will not receive, unload or store goods for exhibitors or forward goods after the exhibition. Please have your goods delivered to the exhibition area during construction days and see to their removal during dismantling days. There is no storage space available at Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre.


Exhibitors’ domestic and international haulage arrangements, transportation and forwarding within the exhibition area are provided by Suomen Messulogistiikka Oy. Contact information below:

Suomen Event Logistics Oy
+358 (0) 50 4307 082,

Driving vehicles inside and storage of transportation vehicles

You may drive inside Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre for the purpose of unloading or loading goods on every construction day except the last day before the exhibition opens. On the last day of construction you may drive vehicles inside the exhibition halls only to a specific loading area covered with protective carpets. There are trolleys available in this area.

A) Driving into the Exhibition Centre

You may drive vehicles inside the exhibition halls only to areas covered with protective carpets. Entering the halls with vehicles equipped with studded tyres is only allowed to the areas covered with protective carpets.

Driving over the weight limit areas is forbidden. The areas are marked with plastic cones or other such signs, which are not to be moved.

B) Parking

Transportation vehicles and other vehicles may be kept in the parking area during the exhibition only in spaces designated for this purpose (exhibitors have their own parking area). Please notice that you must have a parking permit inside your car.

Heavy vehicles may not be driven in the paved area close to the main entrance. Parking is also forbidden in that area.


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